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 Farm forestry, a solution against climate change ?

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For our project, we are working with some organizations  : 

  • The French Association of Agroforestry is very interested in this one and would like to make a collaboration with us. This association would like to use our short video to help to promote farm forestry in France. The projection of our ending movie could be an option.

  • L' « Agroof », a consultancy office specialised in farm forestry (, is interested in a possible discussion with us and french farmers to talk about farm forestry and his options.


  • In Tasmania, Private Forest Tasmania (PFT), a government agencie working with private forester, follow our project in Tasmania. They gave us advices, information and a lot of farmer contacts in Tasmania.  

  • We are in contact with some researchers from the CSIRO in Tasmania and in Australia. We will meet some for an interview and they help us to find some farmer (Jigsaw farm). 


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