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 Farm forestry, a solution against climate change ?

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  Our project   


This year we take a gap year to travel, to have more work experience and to discover other culture and landscape. So that’s why we choose to make a project on the subject of

agroforestery in Australia.



Why AgroforestWallabyTour ?


 AgroForest for agroforestry of course ! Our formation gives us the curiosity to understand some agronomic systems like agroforestry. Moreover agroforestry is an alternative way of production which is in accordance with our vision of a sustainable agronomy.

In Australia, most of the time, agroforestry is a combination between forestry and cattle or sheep farming. The benefices of agroforestry are diverse mainly for carbon sequestration and the protection of soil and water.



 Wallaby because it's the emblematic animal of Australia! 

We are studying the Murray-Darling Bassin. It is the most important region for agriculture in Australia, but there is a lot of deforestation problem and water exploitation.  


Tour car because it's thank to our van we travelling around Asutralia to meet some farmers, who try to put in place a sustainable agriculture.




Our study is about the socio aspects of this system and we are trying to understand: 

- Why these farmers chose this kind of agriculture ?  

- How the farm forestry could answer to the main challenges of agriculture and environment ? 

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